Accent Reduction
Our accent reduction and speaking program helps you speak English with clarity and precision. Each course is tailored to a specific aspect of accent reduction—vowel sounds, consonant sounds, intonation, and speaking skills.English as a Second Language (ESL)
A strong command of English can help you thrive in business, academics, and everyday life. All courses cover the core ESL competencies of reading, writing, speaking, and listening.Legal Interpretation: Spanish Certificate Program
Ensure language barriers do not morph into legal barriers for people whose primary language is not English. Must be bilingual in English and Spanish.Medical Interpretation: Spanish Certificate Program
Bridge the gap between physicians and non-English speaking patients. Medical interpreters provide a vital service for the health care community, ensuring essential information is communicated accurately. Must be bilingual in English and Spanish.
Medical Spanish
Quickly develop your ability to speak and understand Spanish in a healthcare setting. This series presents common medical vocabulary, beginning grammar structures, pronunciation, communication strategies, and cross-cultural issues.